
Should women be allowed to buy cars? NO!

Should women be allowed to buy cars? NO!

JDM Cars for Sales

Did they pressure you into making a sale did you feel that they were emotionally manipulating you into making that deal i guarantee you that they weren’t it’s a car dealership that’s what they do that’s why i would not allow my mom go bear hunting hey my name is dan i used to work at the biggest dealership in the country and now i teach fine folks like you how not to get [ __ ] when buying a car we’re gonna talk about should women be able to buy a car should we allow women to go and buy cars i know it’s 20 20 get with the time some people think we should some people think we shouldn’t i know it’s a it’s a bit of a controversial topic but i think we need to talk about this this is very important should women be allowed to buy a car without a man the answer is no abso [ __ ] lutely not the reason being is because the chances of woman getting molested in the dealership is very very high okay the chances of woman getting abso-fucking-lootly [ __ ] in a dealership is 99 i put out a video shoot how long it was a few months ago i’m not even going to try to remember it was a few months ago the video was about how to get out out of a out of a car buying contract right the amount of women that call me every single week is absolutely insane every single week i get a call i get a text from a woman hey dan i i’m in a [ __ ] contract help me to get out you know and this is from a woman this is from like 99 is woman and then other one percent is like freaking foreigners you know you know my type of people you know guys i’m talking to you dudes dudes you hairy gorillas okay what are you doing letting your woman go out to buy a car are you serious what is your woman doing texting me about how she got [ __ ] okay at the dealership and she then i put five thousand dollars down the reason i’m making this video true story true [ __ ] story i’m not gonna name any names but true story somebody contacted me she’s buying uh like a 50 000 it was like 50 or 53 thousand dollar truck that she does not need okay she doesn’t own a construction company she doesn’t need three thousand dollar check the payment on fifty three thousand dollar truck is insane her interest rate is is uh is a lot she was i mean oh boy i’m not gonna go into deals because it’s personal [ __ ] info then she was she was gonna do like ten thousand dollars down but thank god she didn’t actually give him the money but next day she’s supposed to come back give her give give him ten thousand dollars as a down payment she’s calling me then i don’t know what to do help me to get out how do i get out i was like yo text me the pictures of the contract she texts me the picture of the contract is that your signature yes is that your signature yes or do you see these numbers did you see these numbers yesterday was there a gun pointed at you when you were signing a contract no did you sign this contract on your own volition yes i just then i tell her what to do you’re gonna have to spend hours not like three hours dozens of hours fixing this this deal doesn’t and there’s like one percent chance that you’re going to be able to get out of this contract one one percent one percent chance you have to here’s here’s how you get out of this contract i’ll tell you like in 30 seconds number one you tell the dealership i don’t want this car number you drop the car you drop the keys let me make sure you drop the keys with a person you know so it’s so it’s on camera so they see that you drop the keys okay that you let you leave the keys in a visible place so their camera can see it so they don’t say hey you know what this this guy or this woman came in dropped the car off took the keys with her and now we can’t find the car congratulations you you don’t know where the car is because maybe they maybe they took it they hit it and you owe them money on the card then you contact your bank or whatever bank you finance through see that’s why i tell people always finance a car never pay cash never put anything down on a car and always finance through your own bank through your own credit union so it’s your credit union your bank you can tell me guys i want this deal unwound we need to cancel this [ __ ] asap

then you contact me you start contacting a bunch of other youtubers hey here’s my story here’s what happened take my story public that you before that you write down your story this is what i did this is how many hours it took did they pressure you into making a sale did you feel that they were emotionally manipulating you into making that deal i guarantee you that the words it’s a car dealership that’s what they do that’s why i would not allow my mom go bear hunting if if there’s a if you know if when i used to live at my mom’s house there’s a bang in the yard if i hear somebody rubbling through the [ __ ] backyard in our shitty neighborhood that we used to live in i’m not gonna send my freaking mom over there i’m gonna you know tool up and go out and take care of this myself because i was the only man of the house man of the [ __ ] house what the [ __ ] is you doing your woman contacting me about the [ __ ] deal that you let her get into now ladies if you don’t got a man okay you got a boyfriend you got a fiance you got a husband not a problem do you have a dad do you have a brother that might have some [ __ ] testicular fortitude you know do you have a male friend that’s not looking to [ __ ] you or [ __ ] maybe even he is try use him to get a good car deal if you don’t have anybody that you can rely on text me let me get a deal done for i’ll put your [ __ ] i’ll put my team on your stuff on whatever car you need to find i’m just tired every single week like literally i’m getting like four five six seven you know of these texts every single week then i’m a woman i got screwed what am i gonna do you know interest rate is absolutely insane the car is garbage like okay there’s a bunch of contracts that she she can’t get out or the dealership won’t let uh won’t let her get out of once you sign the contract it’s very very very hard to get out of don’t get into that contract text me if if you don’t have like if if your husband your boyfriend your fiance your whatever manny you have in your life is is busy not a problem 99 of people that contact me contact me because they they can do this [ __ ] themselves but they contact me because i can save them time i save people time that is number one people’s reasons why they contact me well obviously and you know there’s going to be money savings also but that’s i’m just asking people hey why’d you contact me because i don’t have time to do the [ __ ] myself you know i’ll make more money on a job or on a side hustle i rather spend time with the family rather than camping at the dealership and negotiating for three freaking weeks huge thank you for watching this video click here to subscribe watch one of those two videos and click the share button below the video did you enjoy the video did you find it useful do you think you’re gonna save some money with it abso [ __ ] lutely you will share this video on facebook with somebody else this is dan strong with 60 minute car i’m signing out and i’ll see you in another video

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