
Miami building collapse. City & media response.

Miami building collapse. City & media response.

Roughly half of the condominium building came tumbling down early in the morning on June 24, and rescue workers were kept away from the unstable half that remained standing for their own safety.
JDM Cars for Sales

So we’re here in miami i actually live nearby the there’s the building it should have been there that collapsed i want to show you how the city is responding i think it’s very very interesting i’m going to show you stuff that’s going on on the scene behind the scenes i’m not a professional reporter or anything like that i actually didn’t want to do this but i know that nobody out of these tv stations is going to show you that what i’m gonna show you it’s uh i’ll show you and you judge uh for yourself so let’s just go with that so this this is a street right here and there’s about four or five hour traffic behind that they blocked there’s a street that you know it’s a one-way street that’s going this way you know and i understand there must be you know there’s an emergency you know a terrible thing happened over there a building collapsed hundreds of people dead if not if not a thousand a lot of people are dead

i’ll just show you let’s keep going so this is why they’re blocking off the street you know even though it’s two blocks away

there we go we gotta make sure i don’t know if you can hear me too well but uh there’s just all these vehicles turned on we got to make sure that the media gets a chance to make some money i mean what would we do without all these useless tv station making a couple hundred thousand dollars or millions of dollars in reality most likely it’s millions and millions and millions of dollars from this tragedy we need to block off this street so the media has a chance to make some money as a medium huh well you i see him exactly do you live here no i’m sorry like oh i i live in this neighborhood this is how the city is giving preference to the media rather to people that actually live here it blows my mind thanks typic if if you know me um i’m minding my own business type of guy there could be world war three going on and i mind my own business but i actually live here

you be the judge

the be the vehicle the building that collapses way over there so there’s a block from this white fence to that white fence there is that where the tragedy is this is where the money is made that’s how you make money don’t do anything productive why would you be productive a member to society you take a tragedy and you monetize the [ __ ] out of it

there we go here’s all or the this is media making the money from the tragedy in instead of the city taking care of the people get off the street get on the get on the side oh yeah yeah yeah all right we gotta make sure that we’re on the sidewalk because uh you know i don’t want to get shot

so i i honestly i don’t know what to tell you guys

hundreds of people one time already okay i asked you one time nicely to get off the street and get on the sidewalk

that’s why you listen to the police because they have guns and i’m not ready to die i got a family to take care of

see when there’s media on the street they’re allowed to do that they’re allowed to be on the street they have their own dedicated space because they’re going to be making millions of dollars see when a corporation is is making money that’s totally fine but when there’s a random guy absolutely nobody that’s not making millions of dollars is here you know filming something we got to make sure that we get them off the street it’s uh i’m gonna upload this to youtube see what happens if you can’t download this video because you know i’m not the type of guy that’s gonna make a big fuss about it i’ll upload it once if anybody gives a [ __ ] do whatever you want with it all right

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